This policy is not an official translation and is provided to you as a means to understand an original document that was in a different language. Therefore, it will not be interpreted as being conforms to the French version and the French version will prevail in the event of any discrepancy between the French version and this translation.
Last updated: March 05, 2024
At GOUDRONNAGE DE L’OUEST DE L’ILE INC. we believe it is necessary to pay special attention to the protection of privacy. This is why we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information we collect.
The processing of personal information is regulated and we must obtain your consent before carrying out certain operations. By accepting this policy and providing us with personal information, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, retention and destruction of personal information about you in accordance with the terms described in this policy.
This privacy policy covers all types of personal information managed by GOUDRONNAGE DE L'OUEST DE L'ILE INC. , whether it is the information of its clients , current or potential, its consultants, its employees, its members or any other persons such as visitors to the website or otherwise.
As defined by law, in Quebec, personal information is information that allows a natural person to be identified, directly or indirectly. For example, this could be a person's name, address, email address, telephone number, gender or banking information, health information, ethnic origin, language , etc.
By accessing or using https://goudronnage.ca/ (our “Website”) or our services indicate that you understand, accept and consent to the practices described in this policy.
Collection and use of personal information
In order to conduct our business, we may collect information that is provided to us voluntarily, through the website (by completing a form) or otherwise (for example by post, by email, by telephone call, by text message, by message electronic and others). In certain situations, we may also collect personal information from third parties, without the consent of the person concerned, if he or she has a serious and legitimate interest in doing so and if the collection is in the interest of the person and it is not possible to do so with it in a timely manner, or if this collection is necessary to ensure that the information is accurate.
The types of personal information that are collected depend on several factors and context, as described below. We only collect personal information necessary to conduct our activities and achieve the specified purposes.
You can refuse to provide your personal information. However, some personal information is necessary for the use of our services, so your refusal to provide personal information may prevent the use of our services.
This includes :
· First and last name
· Email Address
· Address
· Mailing address of your employer
· Postal code
· Country, province
· Occupation
· Position in a company
· Personal phone number
· Business phone number
· Phone number
· Fax number
· Website
· Name of your employer
· Your employer's business name
· IP adress
· And other similar information
The personal information we collect is collected in order to:
· To establish and manage relationships with our customers.
· To identify you.
· Respond to a request for information.
· Provide, develop, deliver, maintain, secure and improve our products and services.
· To communicate with you about our products and services.
· Organize and provide advertising and marketing.
· Send you information.
· Ensure payment of costs related to the use of our services.
· Allow you to access our services and create accounts.
· Organize events and schedule meetings.
· For research and development.
· And other similar uses.
Communication of your personal information
We may, by law, only use an individual's personal information for the reasons stated herein or for any other reasons provided at the time of collection. Therefore, if we need to use this information for another reason or another purpose, we will contact you to obtain new consent, which must be obtained expressly if it involves sensitive personal information. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information.
However, in accordance with applicable laws including the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (https://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/document/lc/P-39.1) we may be required to communicate your personal information to certain third parties, including:
· We may use a third party service provider, independent contractors, agencies or consultants to deliver and help us improve our products and services.
· We may share your personal information with marketing agencies, database service providers, backup and disaster recovery service providers, email service providers and others, but only to maintain and improve our products and services.
For more information about who receives your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer.
Data security
We are committed to implementing reasonable security measures to ensure the protection of the personal information entrusted to us. The security measures in place correspond to the purpose, quantity, distribution, medium and sensitivity of the information. Thus, this means that information that could be qualified as sensitive will have to be subject to greater security measures and will be better protected.
The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment. To ensure the security of your personal information, we use, among other things, the following measures:
· SSL protocol
· Network monitoring software
· Computer backup
· Login password
· Two-factor authentication ( MFA )
· Biometric security
· Firewall
· Security logs
· Bitlocker
We are committed to maintaining a high degree of security by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information. However, as no mechanism offers maximum security, an element of risk is always present.
If you do not accept this risk, please stop browsing the website, using it or using our other online or offline services, as applicable. Contact us immediately so we can delete any information we have about you. Contact information for our Privacy Officer is available at the bottom of this document.
If you have concerns or suspect unauthorized use of your personal information coming from our company, please contact us promptly at the following contact details: privacy@goudronnage.ca
Conservation: Transfer, international storage and destruction
Where possible, we store and process your personal information on computer systems located in Quebec , but once we have collected your personal information, it may be transferred and stored in computer or cloud systems located outside of Quebec or of Canada , and in jurisdictions where the laws on the protection of personal information may differ from those of Quebec and offer lesser guarantees regarding the protection of your personal information.
We retain and use your personal information for as long as is reasonably necessary given the purposes for which the personal information was collected.
Personal information relating to minors
We do not intentionally obtain personal information from minors. Under the terms of Law 25, in Quebec, the consent of any minor under 14 years of age must be given by the holder of parental authority or a guardian.
If we discover personal information concerning minors, we will immediately destroy their information or promptly request authorization from the holder of parental authority or guardian if their personal information is necessary.
Automated technologies or interactions
Use of cookies files
Our Services may use cookies or similar technologies such as beacons, tags and scripts. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device by the browser. Some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. For example, cookies allow us to recognize your browser more easily the next time you visit.
Cookies are generally classified as follows:
Here is the list of 3 “cookies” used by our website on the date of writing of this confidentiality policy.
Cookie #1: PHP session cookie
Type: Functionality required cookie
Expiry: When the browsing session ends
Personal information collected: none
Purpose: The PHPSESSID cookie is native to PHP and allows websites to store serialized state data. It is used to establish a user session and transmit state data through a temporary cookie, commonly called a session cookie. As the PHPSESSID cookie has no scheduled expiration, it disappears when you close your browser.
Cookie #2: MotoCMS 3 cookie
Type: Functionality required indicator
Name: _session- started
Expiration: When the browsing session ends
Personal information collected: none
Purpose: The MotoCMS 3 template generates an impersonal cookie. It contains a description with information about when each specific client enters the site for the first time, so the system must configure the work of automatic pop-ups (when to display these pop-ups and when to avoid them). This is the only information collected by the MotoCMS impersonal cookie. https://support.motocms.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060028092-New-Cookie-Policy-and-MotoCMS-How-to-avoid-the-violation-of-the-Cookie-Law
Cookie #3: Cookie banner validation cookie
Type: Functionality required cookie
Name: _cookie-notification- applied
Expiry: 10 days
Personal information collected: none
Purpose: The “_cookie-notification- applied ” cookie is used to remember your acceptance of our use of cookies as well as the provision of our Privacy Policy which is displayed when you first open our website. This cookie allows the cookie banner to disappear from our website for a period of 10 days following your acceptance of it. After 10 days or if you delete this cookie and then return to our website the cookie banner will reappear.
Website Analytics Tools
Our website does NOT collect analytics data using website analytics tools such as, for example, Google Analytics, however if you wish to deactivate Google Analytics for other websites you can install the “Module browser add-on for opting out of Google Analytics” which is available at:
Links to other websites
Our site offers hyperlinks to other sites. The information exchanged on these sites is not subject to this confidentiality policy, but to that of the external site. The personal information practices of these other sites are governed by their privacy statements. You should consult them to better understand the privacy practices of these third parties.
Rights of access, rectification and withdrawal of consent (Right to be forgotten)
To assert their rights of access, rectification or withdrawal of consent, the person concerned must submit a written request to this effect to the person responsible for the protection of personal information, at the email or postal address indicated at the bottom of this document .
By law, data subjects may request access to the personal information we hold and request its correction if it is inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous. They can also demand that the dissemination of personal information concerning them cease.
Our Privacy Officer will respond to such requests in writing within 30 calendar days of the date the request is received. The deadline for responding may also be extended if the request concerns industrial, financial, commercial, scientific, technical or union information provided by a third party. The person responsible for access to documents may, in fact, have to ask this third party whether or not they agree to communicate such information. He must nevertheless inform the applicant of this approach within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request.
Any refusal by the person responsible will be motivated and accompanied by the legal provision justifying the refusal. In these cases, the response will indicate the remedies under the law and the time limit for exercising them. Our manager will help the applicant understand the refusal if necessary.
The data subject may also ask our Privacy Officer what personal information is collected from them, the categories of people who have access to it and their retention period.
Complaint handling process
Any person who wishes to make a complaint relating to the application of this policy or, more generally, to the protection of their personal information by our company is invited to do so in writing to our personal information protection manager.
When making a complaint, the person concerned must indicate their name and contact details, giving sufficient detail so that it can be assessed by our personal information protection officer.
Within 30 days following receipt of the complaint or following receipt of all additional information deemed necessary by our personal information protection manager to be able to process it, the latter will evaluate and formulate a reasoned written response by email to the complainant. This assessment will aim to determine whether our processing of personal information complies with this policy and applicable regulations.
In the event that the complaint cannot be processed within this period, our personal information protection officer will inform the complainant of the reasons justifying the extension of the deadline, the progress of the processing of his complaint and the reasonable deadline. necessary to be able to provide a definitive answer.
Privacy incident involving personal information
If we have reason to believe that a confidentiality incident involving personal information that we hold has occurred, while respecting the law, we:
More information about this policy
If you have any questions regarding this policy, we invite you to contact us using one of the communication methods presented in the section responsible for the protection of personal information at the bottom of this document.
This policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of this website or our online or offline services after we make changes indicates your acceptance and consent to those changes, so please check this policy regularly for updates. We will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of personal information collected in the past without the consent of the individuals concerned.
Responsible for the protection of personal information
The person responsible for applying the Personal Information Protection Act is, as such, also responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. To make comments or complain about non-compliance with this policy, you can contact:
Responsible for the protection of personal information of Goudronnage de l'Ouest de l'Ile Inc.
888c, Cité des jeunes,
St-Lazare , Quebec,
J7T 2B5
FR - Nous utilisons des témoins (cookies) impersonnels sur ce site pour améliorer votre expérience d'utilisateur (ex.: quand afficher les fenêtres contextuelles et quand les éviter). Ces témoins ne stockent aucune information personnelle identifiable. En continuant à utiliser ce site, vous acceptez notre utilisation des témoins et vous consentez à ce que les renseignements personnels que vous fournissez soient recueillis, utilisés, communiqués, conservés et détruits conformément aux modalités décrites dans notre politique de confidentialité.
EN - We use impersonal cookies on this site to improve your user experience (ex. when to display pop-ups and when to avoid them). These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies, and you consent to the personal information you provide being collected, used, disclosed, retained and destroyed in accordance with the terms described in our Privacy Policy.